Lab 2: Inertial Measurement Unit#


This lab will integrate the on-board IMU with the Turtlebot3 controller to turn the robot 90 degrees left or right. Do not disable any of the mouse controller functionality in the code. The IMU and mouse control functionality should be able to coexist seemlessly.



In the /master_ws/src/ece387_master_sp2X-USERNAME/master folder, create a lab2 package which depends on std_msgs, rospy, geometry_msgs, and turtlebot3_bringup.

  1. Copy the file from lab1 into the lab2 package.

  2. Open the file from lab2 using an editor.

  3. Import the squaternion library and Imu message used in ICE6.

  4. Add the following Class variables within the class above the __init__() function:

    1. K_HDG = 0.1 # rotation controller constant

    2. HDG_TOL = 10 # heading tolerance +/- degrees

    3. MIN_ANG_Z = 0.5 # limit rad/s values sent to Turtlebot3

    4. MAX_ANG_Z = 1.5 # limit rad/s values sent to Turtlebot3

  5. Add the following to the __init__() function:

    1. Instance variable, self.curr_yaw, initialized to 0 to store the current orientation of the robot

    2. Instance variable, self.goal_yaw, initialized to 0 to store the goal orientation of the robot

    3. Instance variable, self.turning, initialized to False to store if the robot is currently turning

    4. A subscriber to the IMU topic of interest with a callback to the callback_imu() function

  6. Add the convert_yaw() function from ICE6.

  7. Add the callback_imu() function from ICE6, removing print statements and setting the instance variable, self.curr_yaw.

  8. Edit the callback_controller() function so it turns the robot 90 degrees in the direction inputed by the user (left or right). Below is some pseudo-code to help you code the controller function

⚠️ WARNING: Pseudo-code is not actual code and cannot be copied and expected to work!

def callback_controller(self, event):
    # local variables do not need the self
	yaw_err = 0
	ang_z = 0
    # not turning, so get user input
    if not turning:
        read from user and set value to instance variable, self.goal_yaw
        input("Input l or r to turn 90 deg")
        # check input and determine goal yaw
        if input is equal to "l" 
            set goal yaw to curr yaw plus/minus 90
            turning equals True
        else if input is equal to "r"
           	set goal yaw to curr yaw plus/minus 90
            turning equals True
        	print error and tell user valid inputs
        # check bounds
        if goal_yaw is less than 0 then add 360
        else if goal_yaw is greater than 360 then subtract 360
    # turn until goal is reached
    elif turning:
        yaw_err = self.goal_yaw - self.curr_yaw
        # determine if robot should turn clockwise or counterclockwise
        if yaw_err > 180:
            yaw_err = yaw_err - 360
        elif yaw_err < -180:
            yaw_err = yaw_err + 360
        # proportional controller that turns the robot until goal 
        # yaw is reached
        ang_z = self.K_HDG * yaw_err
        if ang_z < self.MIN: ang_z = self.MIN		# need to add negative test as well!
        elif ang_Z > self.MAX: ang_z = self.MAX	# need to add negative test as well!
        # check goal orientation
        if abs(yaw_err) < self.HDG_TOL
            turning equals False
            ang_z = 0
   # set twist message and publish
   self.cmd.linear.x = 0
   self.cmd.angular.z = ang_z
   publish message

Run your nodes#

  1. On the Master open a terminal and run roscore.

  2. Open another terminal and enable statistics for rqt_graph.

  3. Run the controller node.

  4. Open secure shell into the Robot and run the turtlebot3_core launch file.

  5. Type “l” or “r” to turn the robot 90 degrees.


Complete a short 2-3 page report that utilizes the format and answers the questions within the report template. The report template and an example report can be found within the Team under Resources/Lab Template.

Turn-in Requirements#

[25 points] Demonstration of keyboard control of Turtlebot3 (preferably in person, but can be recorded and posted to Teams under the Lab 2 channel).

[50 points] Report via Gradescope.

[25 points] Code: push your code to your repository. Also, include a screen shot of the file at the end of your report.