Lab 4: Computer Vision#


This lab will integrate a USB Camera with the Robot. You will use a Python script to take pictures of the stop sign and build a stop sign detector then test it using a live video feed. You will then use the detector and known size of the stop sign to estimate how far the stop sign is from the camera. Lastly, you will create a node to identify and determine how far an April Tag is from the robot.

Setup packages#

Open a terminal on the Robot and create a lab4 package:

cd ~/master_ws/src/ece387_robot_spring202X-USERNAME/
catkin_create_pkg lab4 rospy sensor_msgs std_msgs cv_bridge apriltag_ros

Make and source your workspace.

Create a ROS node to save images#

Browse to your lab4 source folder on the Master and create a node called

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rospy, cv2, argparse
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError

class SavingImage(object):
    def __init__(self, img_dest):
        self.img_dest = img_dest
        self.ctrl_c = False
        self.count = 0
        # subscribe to the topic created by the usb_cam node
        self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/usb_cam/image_raw", Image, self.camera_callback)
        # CV bridge converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images
        self.bridge_object = CvBridge()
        # callback to save images when user presses button
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(.1), self.callback_save)

    def camera_callback(self, img):
        if not self.ctrl_c:
                # convert ROS image to OpenCV image
                self.cv_image = self.bridge_object.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, desired_encoding="bgr8")
            except CvBridgeError as e:
            # show the image (waitKey(1) allows for automatic refressh creating video)
            cv2.imshow('image', self.cv_image)
    def callback_save(self, event):
        # when user is ready to take picture press button
        _ = input("Press enter to save the image.")
        dest = self.img_dest + "img" + str(self.count) + ".jpg"
        self.count += 1
            # write to file
            cv2.imwrite(dest, self.cv_image)
            print("Not valid image name. Try restarting with valid path.")
    def shutdownhook(self):
        print("Shutting down")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rospy.init_node('image_saver', anonymous=True)
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    ap.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=True, help="path to output img")
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())
    saving_image_object = SavingImage(args["output"])
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Save, exit, and make executable.

Train your stop detector#

  • Create a new folder in your lab4 package called training_images.

  • Run the node on the Master using the following command:


You must have the lab4.launch file running.

rosrun lab4 -o /home/dfec/master_ws/src/ece387_master_spring202X-NAME/lab4/training_images/

Store images of the stop sign by pressing enter when prompted. You decide how many and at what orientations to properly train your detector. When complete, hit ctrl+c to exit.

Utilize the steps from Module 9: Building a detector using HOG features to label your images and train your object detector using the new images, saving the stop_detector.svm file within the training_images folder.

Test your stop detector#

Create a node in the lab4 package on the Master called and copy the below into it:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rospy, cv2, dlib
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError

# TODO: import usb_cam message type

class StopDetector(object):

    def __init__(self, detectorLoc):
        self.ctrl_c = False
        #TODO: create subscriber to usb_cam image topic

        self.bridge_object = CvBridge()
        self.detector = dlib.simple_object_detector(detectorLoc)
    def camera_callback(self,data):
        if not self.ctrl_c:
            #TODO: write code to get ROS image, convert to OpenCV image,
            # apply detector, add boxes to image, and display image

    def shutdownhook(self):
        print("Shutting down")
        self.ctrl_c = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
    detector = rospy.get_param("/stop_detector/detector")
    stop_detector = StopDetector(detector)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Edit the node so it utilizes the camera_callback() function we used above to get images from the camera.

After getting the cv_image within the camera_callback(), apply the detector in a similar method as Module 9: Testing a detector creating boxes around all detected stop signs. Using a waitKey(1) will allow for the image to refresh automatically without user input and display the video.

Checkpoint 1#

Demonstrate the stop detector on the Master detecting a stop sign from the Robot’s camera.

rosrun lab4 _detector:=/home/dfec/master_ws/src/ece387_master_spring202X-NAME/lab4/training_images/stop_detector.svm


You must have the lab4.launch file running.

Move detector to robot#

Copy the detector and node to the robot:

roscd lab4/training_images
scp stop_detector.svm pi@robotX:/home/pi/robot_ws/src/ece387_robot_spring202X-NAME/lab4/training_images/stop_detector.svm
roscd lab4/src
scp pi@robotX:/home/pi/robot_ws/src/ece387_robot_spring202X-NAME/lab4/src/

Remove the lines that display the video and instead print “Stop detected” if boxes is not empty.

Do you note a difference in processing speed?

Launch file#

Edit the lab4.launch file so it will run the stop detector node with the detector param set to the location of the detector. For example:

<node machine="robotX" name="stop_detector" pkg="lab4" type="" output="screen">
    <param name="detector" value="/home/pi/robot_ws/src/ece387_robot_spring202X-Name/robot/lab4/training_images/stop_detector.svm"/>

Checkpoint 2#

Demonstrate the stop detector on the Robot detecting a stop sign.

Determine distance from stop sign#


You will edit your stop sign detector on the Robot to calculate an estimated distance between the camera and the stop sign using triangle similarity.

Given a stop sign with a known width, \(W\), we can place the stop sign at a known distance, \(D\), from our camera. The detector will then detect the stop sign and provide a perceived width in pixels, \(P\). Using these values we can calculate the focal length, \(F\) of our camera:

\(F = \frac{(P\times D)}{W}\)

We can then use the calculated focal length, \(F\), known width, \(W\), and perceived width in pixels, \(P\) to calculate the distance from the camera:

\(D' = \frac{(W\times F)}{P}\)

Use the above information and create two class variables, FOCAL and STOP_WIDTH, and a class function to calculate distance given a known FOCAL length and a known width of the stop sign, STOP_WIDTH. You will need to print the perceived width of the stop sign to determine the \(P\) value used in the calculation to find the focal length.

💡️ Tip: Pay attention to what the x and w variables of the box actually represent!

Create a new publisher that will publish the distance using Float32 std_msgs messages over the /stop_dist topic.

Publish the distance of each object seen in the image.

Remove any print statements after troubleshooting!

Checkpoint 3#

Demonstrate the stop_detector node publishing distance from the stop sign.

Printing April Tag information#

Create a node on the master in lab4 called Import the appropriate AprilTag message. Subscribe to the tag_detections topic. Print the identified AprilTag ID and distance. If the camera sees multiple tags, it should print the information for each tag.

In your callback function you will want to create a for loop such as:

for tag in data.detections:

Use print statements to determine the characteristics of the message (you can also google the message).

Add the apriltag_dist node to the lab4 launch file.

Checkpoint 4#

Demonstrate the apriltag_dist node printing the ID and distance of each April Tag.


Complete a short 2-3 page report that utilizes the format and answers the questions within the report template. The report template and an example report can be found within the Team under Resources/Lab Template.

📝️ Note: We will be primarily grading sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 for this lab, but do include the entire lab as you will need other components for the final project report.

Turn-in Requirements#

[25 points] All checkpoints marked off.

[50 points] Report via Gradescope.

[25 points] Code: push your code to your repository. Also, include a screen shot of the and files at the end of your report.