πŸ”¬ Lab6: IMU-Based Navigation#

πŸ“Œ Objectives#

  • Students should be able to describe how IMU data is used in ROS2 and interpret IMU messages.

  • Students should be able to set up and analyze IMU (/imu) and odometry (/odom) topics in ROS2.

  • Students should be able to modify a ROS2 gamepad node to relinquish and regain robot control using button presses.

  • Students should be able to implement a ROS2 Python node that navigates a robot to a goal using odometry and IMU data.

  • Students should be able to evaluate and analyze errors in robot navigation and suggest potential improvements.

πŸ“œ Overview#

In real-world robotics, an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is essential for tracking motion by measuring orientation, angular velocity, and linear acceleration. The ICM-20648 6-Axis MEMS MotionTracking Device from TDK integrates a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer, and a Digital Motion Processor (DMP). This IMU is embedded in the OpenCR1.0 board, an open-source robot controller featuring an ARM Cortex-M7 processor. The OpenCR board applies an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to fuse sensor data, generating IMU estimates at 170 Hz.

The IMU significantly enhances navigation accuracy when combined with odometry. It helps estimate the robot's position over time and improves localization. ../_images/TurtleBot3_Coordinates.png

As we discussed earlier, multiple sensors work together to estimate the TurtleBot3’s attitude and heading. These sensors are highly sensitive to magnetic fields, which can vary depending on the location and the device. Even everyday electronic components, including those on the OpenCR board, generate small magnetic fields. Although the IMU is placed at the center of the robot for optimal performance, it is still exposed to various magnetic interferences.

Fortunately, the TurtleBot3 developers anticipated this issue. Each time you run the serial node to connect to the robot, the IMU automatically calibrates itself, ensuring more accurate readings.

🌱 Pre-Lab: Testing the IMU#

Step 1: Launch the TurtleBot3 Simulation#

  1. Open a terminal and start the TurtleBot3 simulation in Gazebo:

    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch

Step 2: Verify Communication with the Master#

  1. Ensure the TurtleBot3 is properly communicating with the Master by listing active topics:

    $ ros2 topic list
  2. You should see the following topics, including /imu and /odom:


Step 3: Examine the /imu and /odom Topics#

  1. Run the gamepad and joy nodes.

  2. Observe the IMU and odometry messages while moving the robot:

    $ ros2 topic echo /imu
    $ ros2 topic echo /odom

    Pay close attention to the pose field. In future labs, be mindful not to confuse the different pose hierarchies within the Imu and Odom messages.

Step 4: Visualizing Data in rqt#

  1. Open rqt:

    $ rqt
  2. Monitor /imu and /odom data in rqt while moving the robot.

  3. Compare the pose data from Gazebo and rqt, noting how simulation noise affects readings.

  4. Monitor the /imu and /odom topics using rqt as you move the robot in Gazebo.

  5. In Gazebo, go to Models > burger, then in the property section, select pose to view the robot’s position and orientation in roll-pitch-yaw format.

  6. In rqt, enable the Topic Monitor and activate the /imu and /odom topics to track orientation and position in real time.

  7. Note that orientation in rqt is shown using quaternions.

  8. The pose values in Gazebo and rqt are not the same. Gazebo simulation publishes position and orientation with noise. By default, Gazebo adds Gaussian noise to the data generated by its sensors to simulate real-world conditions.

πŸ’» Lab Procedure#

In this lab, you will create a ROS2 Python package that enables the TurtleBot3 to navigate to a desired location and orientation using data from the IMU (/imu) and ODOM (/odom) topics.

πŸ›  Update .bashrc for Easier Builds#

To avoid common mistakes when running colcon build, follow these steps to streamline your workflow. This will ensure that colcon build is always run in the correct directory and that the necessary setup file is sourced automatically.

  1. Use gedit to open the .bashrc file:

    $ gedit ~/.bashrc
  2. At the end of the file, add the following function:

    # Function to build with optional arguments
    function ccbuild() {
        cd ~/master_ws && colcon build --symlink-install "$@"
        source ~/master_ws/install/setup.bash
    # Export the function to make it available in the shell
    export -f ccbuild
  3. Save the file, exit the editor, and restart your terminal for the changes to take effect.

  4. Instead of manually navigating to ~/master_ws, running colcon build --symlink-install, and sourcing install/setup.bash, you can now simply run:

    $ ccbuild

    This ensures the build process is executed correctly every time and and sources the necessary setup file.

  5. You can also pass arguments to colcon build through the ccbuild function. For example:

    $ ccbuild --packages-select lab6_nav

    This builds only the lab6_nav package, saving time by skipping previously built packages.

  6. By following these steps, you’ll streamline your workflow and minimize build-related errors.

πŸ›  Testing IMU on the Physical Robot#

To test the IMU on the physical robot, follow these steps:

  1. Use SSH to launch the robot.launch.py file on the robot.

  2. Start the gamepad and joy nodes on your master computer.

  3. As you move the robot in Gazebo, monitor the /imu and /odom topics using:

    $ ros2 topic echo /imu
    $ ros2 topic echo /odom
  4. The raw output of these topics can be overwhelming. Use the following commands to filter and display only the relevant sections:

    ros2 topic echo /imu | grep -A 4 'orientation'
    ros2 topic echo /odom | grep -A 3 'position'
    • The -A option in grep stands for β€œafter context.” It displays the specified number of lines following the matching line.

    • For /imu, this command shows the orientation section and the next 4 lines.

    • For /odom, it shows the position section and the next 3 lines.

  5. Convert quaternions to Euler angles: Both topics use quaternions to represent orientation, which are not human-readable. Later, we will convert these quaternions into Euler angles for easier interpretation.

πŸ›  Modify gamepad.py to Include Control Relinquishment#

In this section, you’ll modify the gamepad.py script to add functionality for relinquishing and regaining control of the robot. This will allow users to toggle control states using specific gamepad buttons.

  1. Locate and open the gamepad.py file.

  2. In the constructor of the Gamepad class, add the following attributes:

    # Flag to track control status (default: True)
    self.has_control = True
    # Create a publisher for control relinquishment messages.
    # - Publishes to the 'ctrl_relinq' topic.
    # - Uses Bool messages to indicate control status.
    # - Queue size of 1 ensures only the latest control state is kept.
    self.ctrl_pub = self.create_publisher(Bool, 'ctrl_relinq', 1)
  3. In the joy_callback method, implement the following logic to toggle control using buttons A (Green) and B (Red):

    # Create a new Bool message for "control relinquishment status"
    relinquish = Bool()
    # TODO: Check if the RC (Remote Control) has control and button A (Green) is pressed
        # Set control flag to False (relinquish control)
        # Change "control status" to relinquished.
        # Publish the control status
        # Log status update
        self.get_logger().info("RC has relinquished control.")  
    # TODO: Check if RC does not have control and button B (Red) is pressed
        # Set control flag to True (regain control)
        # Set control status to regained.
        # Publish the control status
        # Log status update
        self.get_logger().info("RC has taken over control.")  
    # If control is relinquished, stop further processing
    if not self.has_control:

    This is a common safety practice in robotics to halt autonomous tasks a robot is executing. Another safety practice is to integrating an easily accessible emergency stop switch that cuts off the main power to the robot.

  4. Test the gamepad node:

    • Run the gamepad node.

    • Open another terminal and monitor the cmd_vel topic.

    • Press button A on the gamepad and verify that control is relinquished (no movement commands should be published by the gamepad).

    • Press button B and verify that control is regained (movement commands should be published again).

    • Check the ctrl_relinq topic to confirm that control status messages are being published.

Create a New ROS2 Package#

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the src directory of your workspace:

    $ cd ~/master_ws/src/ece387_ws
  2. Use the following command to create a new ROS2 package named lab6_nav:

    $ ros2 pkg create lab6_nav --build-type ament_python --dependencies rclpy geometry_msgs nav_msgs sensor_msgs
    • Dependencies:

      • rclpy: ROS2 Python API.

      • geometry_msgs: For Twist messages (velocity commands).

      • nav_msgs: For Odometry messages.

      • sensor_msgs: For IMU messages.

  3. Download the move2goal.py file and save it in the lab6_nav package directory:

  4. Open the setup.py file and modify the entry_points section to include the move2goal script:

        'console_scripts': [
            'move2goal = lab6_nav.move2goal:main',
  5. Build the package using the ccbuild command:


Implement the move2goal.py Script#

The move2goal.py script will control the TurtleBot3 to move to a specified goal location and orientation. Follow these steps to complete the implementation:

  1. Initialize publishers and subscribers.

    • Publisher: Create a publisher for /cmd_vel to send velocity commands to the robot.

    • Subscribers: Subscribe to:

      • /odom to track the robot’s position.

      • /imu to get orientation data.

      • /ctrl_relinq to check if the node has control.

  2. Implement the odom_callback function

    • Extract the x and y position from the received Odometry message.

  3. Implement the imu_callback function

    • Extract the quaternion orientation from the Imu message.

    • Convert the quaternion to Euler angles using the euler_from_quaternion function.

    • Update the yaw value.

  4. Implement the ctrl_relinq_callback function

    • Update the self.has_control flag based on the received Bool message.

    • Log a message indicating whether control is taken or relinquished.

  5. Implement the control_loop function

    • Compute the angle to the goal and normalize it to the range [-\(\pi\), \(\pi\)].

    • Compute the distance to the goal using the Euclidean distance formula.

  6. Complete the state machine logic: The state machine consists of four states:


      • If the angle error is greater than 0.05 radians, rotate the robot with an angular speed proportional to the error (0.3 * angle_error). Adjust the proportional coefficient as needed.

      • If the angle error is within the threshold, transition to MOVE_FORWARD.


      • Move the robot forward at a constant speed of 0.15 (adjustable, but the robot’s maximum speed is 0.22).

      • If the distance to the goal is less than 0.15, transition to ROTATE_TO_FINAL.


      • Compute the final orientation error and normalize it.

      • If the error is greater than 0.05 radians, rotate the robot with a speed proportional to the error (0.5 * final_angle_error).

      • If the error is within the threshold, transition to GOAL_REACHED.


      • Log a message confirming the goal has been reached.

      • Stop publishing movement commands.

  7. Publish velocity commands: Ensure cmd_vel messages are published correctly in each state of the state machine.

Build and Test the Package#

  1. Install tf-transformations using

    $ sudo apt install ros-humble-tf-transformations
  2. Build the lab6_nav package using:

    $ ccbuild --packages-select lab6_nav
  3. Demo the robot:

    • Run the move2goal node and demonstrate the robot moving to the goal location (-0.61, 0.61) in meters.

    • Rotate the robot to face 0Β°.

    • Hint: Most floor and ceiling tiles in the U.S. are 1’ by 1’ or 2’ by 2’. Use this to estimate distances. (1 foot = 30.48 cm).

🚚 Deliverables#

  1. [15 Points] Complete the move2goal.py Script:

    • Ensure the script is fully functional and implements all required features.

    • Push your code to GitHub and confirm that it has been successfully uploaded. NOTE: If the instructor can’t find your code in your repository, you will receive a grade of 0 for the coding part.

  2. [15 Points] Demonstration:

    • Show the robot successfully navigating to the goal location and orientation in a real-world setup.

  3. [20 Points] Performance Analysis:

    • Examine the distance and angle errors printed by move2goal.py.

    • Discuss the robot’s performance:

      • Can the robot navigate to a farther distance, such as (-3, 3)? Why or why not?

      • After the robot reaches the goal, restart the demo without rebooting the robot. Does it work as before? If not, why doesn’t it work anymore?

      • Suggest improvements to enhance the robot’s navigation capabilities.

    • Note 1: This deliverable is worth 20 points, more than the other deliverables. Therefore, a detailed and rigorous analysis is expected. Treat this as the analysis section of your project report.

    • Note 2: Provide quantitative analysis, not qualitative. You don’t need to include plots of measured data, but you should provide the measured data for your analysis. For example, instead of saying, β€œThe robot’s orientation drifted quite a bit as it traveled almost one meter,” you should say, β€œWith its initial orientation of 43.5\(^\circ\), the robot gradually drifted to 39.3\(^\circ\) after traveling 0.73 meters.” For your project, you will need to provide plots for the measured data.